03 February 2010

Nothing Much Else Happened: February 3, 1978

Today was even better than Wednesday. School let out at 12:05! When I got home, Nick Menudier invited me to practice baseball for tryouts tomorrow. When I got home, I went to my guitar lesson. I got a new song, "Blue Bayou," which was the top song on the radio for 5 weeks. When I got home, Carole had a friend named Leslie. (Not the same discussed on Feb. 2nd) They were climbing all over me, and kissing me, and I don't know why. When I came in, Laura called up. She wanted to know if we did break up. I said, "Yes." And that's the end.


All punctuation and spelling has been retained precisely as I wrote it 32 years ago at age 12.

What's this all about? Here's my explanation.

To view the next day click: February 4, 1978

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