21 August 2010

Nothing Much Else Happened: August 21, 1978

Today, we started down the hill around 10:00 A.M., picked up two bags of oranges, and also accumulated two dogs. We hadn't seen them for 37 days! Before we left, it was rumored that Bob Bayer, my old friend from Idyllwild, may be able to come down for my birthday. Also, Lynn, my sister, will be coming back from the hospital in Denver tomorrow to stay with us a while. Boy, are those dogs glad to be home! So are we!


All punctuation and spelling has been retained precisely as I wrote it 32 years ago at age 12.

What's this all about? This is what it's all about.

To view the next day click: August 22, 1978

Missed an entry? Index of all Nothing Much Else Happened entries

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