20 October 2010

Nothing Much Else Happened: October 20, 1978

Today, the horror that started 3 days ago is finally over. I got back on the roof and washed all the ashes off the roof. Everything was covered with ashes, and even our house still smells a bit like smoke. The Malibu-Agoura fire was the worst of all. It destroyed about 200 homes in all, including my old english teacher, Mr. Pereira's house. In all, the 9 fires that happened over the past 3 days, took over 25o buildings.


I remember being devastated for Mr. Pereira. If our class had worked particularly hard and done well, he would reward us by brining in his old LPs and 78s and entertain us with songs from the 1930s and 1940s (i.e., "Mairzy Doats") and old radio comedy sketches (i.e., "The Bickersons"). His entire collection went with his house in the fire. He never seemed as happy again after this. At the end of the school year, he retired.

All punctuation and spelling has been retained precisely as I wrote it 32 years ago at age 13.

What's this all about? This is what it's all about.

To view the next day click: October 21, 1978

Missed an entry? Index of all Nothing Much Else Happened entries

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