17 April 2010

Nothing Much Else Happened: April 17, 1978

Today was the starting of the 11th week of the semester. Hurray! Only 9 more weeks left, and then comes the best time of the year next to Christmas vacation. I'm going to have a big Summer planned out for me this year. I'll be going to — just a minute. Let me do them in order. Aunt Fancy comes for 3 weeks in June. I leave for Sky Valley Ranch in June. In July, I come back from camp and the family goes to New York and the East Coast. Wow! Big Summer, Huh?


Oh yeah ... MUCH excitement still to come. *rolling eyes*

All punctuation and spelling has been retained precisely as I wrote it 32 years ago at age 12.

What's this all about? This is what it's all about.

To view the next day click: April 18, 1978

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