07 January 2010

Nothing Much Else Happened: January 7, 1978

Today, Carol and I got into a fight. (I'm putting this in my diary so I'll know the next time we get into a fight, I'll be able to tell how long it's been since our last one.) When Ian, Mom, Dad and I went bowling today, I used my new bowling ball. I got a High score of 157, and my average is 103. Next week, I'm going to join Jr. League. Lynn and Tina came over tonight. Tina got to open her stocking since she was in New York at Christmas. I got a letter from Lisa Pettijohn, and as soon as I got it I sat right down and wrote her back.


[Lisa Pettijohn was a summer camp love of mine.]

All punctuation and spelling has been retained precisely as I wrote it 32 years ago at age 12.

What's up with all this? I got some 'splainin' to do.

To view the next day click: January 8, 1978

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