29 November 2008

NaBloPoMo 10: A Tag, Not of the Skin Variety

Thanks, Parenthetical, for the tag — my first time being tagged on this blog.

Here's the goods on how this works:

  1. Link to the person who tagged me. (That's what that link up above is, so I'm cruising right along in my directions.)
  2. Post the rules on your blog. (Even as I type!)
  3. Write six random things about yourself. (Comin' up.)
  4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
  5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
  6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up. (That seems redundant to step 5, but who am I to quibble with the powers that be.)
Okay. So. Six random things about me:

  1. In high school, I had an addiction to tonic water ... so much so that at my 18th birthday (which doubled as a going-away party before I left for college), my friends gave me 25 1-liter bottles of the stuff. Canada Dry, I believe.
  2. Valerie Harper (of Rhoda fame) introduced me on a nationally televised telethon to raise money for the victims of one of those Mississippi River floods in 1993. I performed my songs "Saving The Levee" and "Invisible Locket."
  3. I am unbelievably excited that Piper is getting to be old enough to start watching some of my favorite movies when I was a kid (i.e., Star Wars, E.T., Xanadu ... Ohmygod, did I just say that last one out loud?). I can't imagine that every parent doesn't feel this way.*
  4. The first movie I saw in a theater was Sleeping Beauty. I hid on the floor when the wicked queen turned into the dragon.
  5. If I could do it all again, I would want to be a professional athlete, for the sole reason that I could give much better interviews than those dolts can ever give.
  6. My wedding ring has a chip of Laura's birthstone in it, and Laura's has a chip of my birthstone. I know: it's disgusting, isn't it?
Okay, so I have to stick six other friends with the task of sharing their random thoughts of themselves. So ... Catharine Chronicles, Jason, Scandal of Particularity, Squidlicious, and ...

Uh oh. I don't read six other blogs. I'm sorry, but four is the best I can do. Don't hate me because I'm anti-social!

* An anecdotal addendum to #3 above: When I was about 12, a national network showed Gone With the Wind as one of those sweeps month "television events." GWTW is my mother's favorite movie, and she reallly wanted me to watch it. No, you're not hearing me: she really wanted me to watch it. I, however, did not want to waste a good night's television viewing (I'm sure there was a kickass episode of Happy Days on that night or something dramatically important like that) and rejected her pleas, opting instead to watch my shows on the tiny B&W TV and leave her with the color set. This upset Mom greatly. I held my ground, stubborn adolescent that I was. Finally, in desperation, she came to me and said, rather pathetically, "If you'll come watch the movie with me ... I will pay you $5.00." I just got this sick feeling in my stomach. "Oh, Mom!" I whined. "Fine, fine. I'll come and watch it." I didn't accept the money. I couldn't believe she had done that, but even moreso, I couldn't believe I had let it come to that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did it!