06 April 2007

Not to compare, but ...

... this was kind of spooky/fun:

Ca. 1959: My brother Chris, then 5½, and my brother Ian, a year-and-a-half Chris' junior, are in the backseat of a car. A radio report is playing, something about a hurricane.

Ian: Mom, why do all the hurricanes have girl's names?

Chris: Because, dummy, if they had boy's names, they wouldn't be called "hurricanes." They'd be called "himmicanes!"


Ca. one hour ago: My mom is reading Piper (now 5) a "Magic Treehouse" book that takes place on the HMS Titanic.

Piper: Why do they keep calling it a "she?"

Mom: I don't know why that is. Ships are always called "she."

Me: (from a nearby table, in front of the computer) I could look it up....

Piper: Maybe it's because it's a ship ... and "ship" sounds like "she."

Mom: Oh my.

Me: I don't think I can't come up with a better explanation than that.

1 comment:

Annie said...


But what are the real answers then?